Chicks totallty love guys who click totally!

DDT Pro's FAQ:

(Dream Drive Test) DDT Productions: Home to G.V.Amor Creations

Q: What is the (RE:)member Project?
A: (RE:)member Project of 2010 is a campain to spread awareness of the Dream of Beauty series. If you have any kind of questions and/or comments about this project, please ask here and I will respond that best I can.

Q: Where can I get The Dream of Beauty Series?
A: DDT is a non-profit unoffical production group, in which there is no current sponcer, affaliates, or publishers as of right now. There will be sites that are not part of any offical group that can offically host DoB, but will hold the series different media for viewers.EDIT: WE NOW HAVE and IT IS AWESOME~!

    Contact G.V Amor