Dream of Beauty Logo 2010



The Opening Moments

The Moment: It's when all hope is out, there's no one physically there to support you in your most dire of hour, all other options seem worthless, and you can't keep moving forward because your body has been all but obliterated. Absolute Despair is iminite and quite frankly; the ones who think you've wrong them will try to install their personal beliefs into you to be forgiven and redeemed by them. So comes The Final Moment...

The Final Moment: It's when you accept their beliefs and thinking in a possible "live and fight another day" future by letting a "perfect" tell you are allowed by them to do so under their control. Then you've already sold your soul, and if not for a moment of human fear, you can forget about getting it back. If you honestly believe in the deepest pit of your soul; run by your heart, mind, body and spirit that someone other than you deserves it, you've already given up. If there is no other options beyond it, you've failed. NO EXCEPTION. We all get this moment once in our lives, sometime some more than others, but we all get it. The key though, to seizing the moment for ourselves - not to bask in eternal glory, but humbled in it's beauty - is to remember your dreams...

A Dream of Beauty; The Realm of All Possibilities!